Dear users:

Btex will open the invitation registration incentive on June 16th.

After the Btex invitation system has been launched, user level invitations and secondary level invitations to other users will be added. The user will be able to view the number of invitations and the exclusive invitation link on the personal assets page.

In order to ensure fairness and stability, our marginalization will maximize the interests of the users of the platform. When the fairness and stability are fully ensured, we will increase the accessibility of the number of invited users.

Users who have already registered and invited at this stage will be included in the calculation of user compensation in this phase when our calculations are added.

Because the BTEX platform has received a lot of attention since its launch, especially since the introduction of platform currency, BitTorrent, it is favored by many investors. Thanks to the understanding and support of many users concerned about BTEX, the BTEX team will continue to make unremitting efforts. You bring better experiences and more benefits, and we all go together.

Tips: At the beginning of BT's launch, prices may fluctuate greatly. It is recommended that investors invest rationally and never blindly.

Btex team

June 16, 2018

Btex community

